I just have to get this off my chest…

I don’t make a very good first impression.

I’m very aware of that.

Some people who don’t make good first impressions don’t really know why. But I just recently figured out why I don’t…

Imagine, if you will, that last time you were telling a story to someone while they were on their phone. You know they’re not listening, but they try to multi-task and nod along and say things like, “Oh yeah?” or “Keep going, I’m listening.” Regenerate, if you please, that feeling of futility you have while you reluctantly continue to tell the story as they continue to tap away on their iPhone. And you finally walk away knowing that they didn’t hear a word you said.

That feeling, ladies and gentlemen, is the feeling most people get when they first talk to me…without my phone.

It’s weird.

There you have it.

Let me speculate what kind of attention deficit order I have so you don’t have to. I’m sure I’ll figure that one out, too–



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